To Be All For God We Must Be Willing To Give All

Celebrating "Mom-isms!"

My Mommy Moments
Hi my name is Tami and I am the mother of seven children Megan 21,Nicholas 18, Alexandra 17, Zachary 15, Emily 13, Joshua 11, and my baby Anthony is 8. All live at home and I home-school 5 now. I am so excited to celebrate my mommy moments with other moms and I look at this as a challenge to me. A challenge which I embrace and place in the Hands of God. Motherhood has always been such a blessing to me and being a mother is all I ever wanted. I have had my share of difficulties and too be honest it is not easy being a mom. Time goes by way too fast and before you know it your baby is 21 and I just want to hold on to all them for a little while longer. Why do I consider this a challenge:
1) I daily fight a rare form of stomach cancer. I was diagnosed with cancer of the stomach 4 yrs ago. Within a week I had 80% of my stomach removed. Motherhood and the way I mother has forever changed since then. The day the Dr. told me I had cancer I dropped to my knees in prayer. Prayer filled with fear and many tears. My first thought was have I mothered my children the way God willed for me. Did I reflect the love that I have for my faith to them in my daily actions. Was I too lax in discipline. Did I instruct them on the teachings of our Catholic Faith so they would know their faith and share it with others. Do they know how much I love them and more importantly how much Jesus and Mary love them. So many thoughts, so little time. Please God my children need me let me live.
2) Jesus heard my prayer and the prayers of others. He is leading me and my family down a path we did not choose.  I don't feel much like a mother, some days are spent in so much pain and fatigue. I am not able to be as active as I once was. This has been so hard and I don't feel likea mother. After all my children need me the way I was-not as I am now. Jesus thinks differently as do my children. I am alive, I may not be healthy but life is a gift and Jesus holds me in His hands as well as my children.

3) Saturday June 7th my son Nicholas had his graduation party. My son graduated and he thanked me for homeschooling him, even when I was sick. He wants to be a youth minister and is involved in a Bible study this summer for youth. Megan had her first article printed in the local Catholic paper. It was based on the book that she recently had published, called "The Greatest of these is Love."  Alexandra attented DWeek a 4 day retreat where the youth go to daily mass and Adoration. She wants to be a Missionary of Charity. My daughter wants to be a nun. Wow! Thank you Jesus!
In all this am I a mother? Yes! Somewhere along the way I got lost in what I should be as a mother not what God wanted of me as mother. When we live outside of Gods will for our lives we fail, we fall, we forget why we are mothers. We are mothers called to raise saints for Jesus. The Blessed Mother will lead us if we allow Her too. As mothers we are called to assist each other and aid one another in our vocations as

Front Row With Francis: The Gift of Piety

Front Row With Francis: The Gift of Piety